How to make Copy Artifacts plugin work

I have two freestyle jobs: “Main” and “Second”. Main has a workspace like:

  • Folder 1
  • Folder 2
    • bin/x64/lib
      • Main sub folders, and files of different types

Second needs to copy the contents of Main/Folder2/bin/x64/lib, but I don’t know the syntax. I have set the permissions in Main to allow Second. For the Artifacts to copy I have tried lots of things:

  • /Main/Folder 2/bin/x64/lib/**/*
  • Main/Folder 2/bin/x64/lib/**/*
  • /Folder 2/bin/x64/lib/**/*
  • Folder2/bin/x64/lib/**/*
  • Folder2/bin/**/.

But I always get 0 copied artifacts:
“Copied 0 artifacts from “Main” build number 123”

The message suggests to me this isn’t a permission error, rather the filter isn’t finding anything. How should I format the filter to get all contents under /bin or /bin/x64/lib?

I would say its this one. A relative path, not an absolute path. But also in your example you say “Folder2” but you are doing “Folder 2” here. In freestyle is the selector space delimated is it thinking there’s two selectors?

now you are talking about root bin folders, not ones inside Main, your examples seem to be all over the place, so its very hard to see whats going on.

Thanks for taking a look.

But also in your example you say “Folder2” but you are doing “Folder 2” here

Folder 2 is just an example, folder name is consistent (comes from an env. variable and outputs correctly in logs) between the source and destination (and it does have a space in it). Masked here as it could be private.

is it thinking there’s two selectors?

Doesn’t seem to be. Only the one line about there being 0 files copied.

now you are talking about root bin folders, not ones inside Main

Intent was to say either the <whatever should go here to signal the Main project>Folder 2/bin<whatever should go here to signal all the contents, folders and files under this folder> or more specific <whatever should go here to signal the Main project>Folder 2/bin/x64/lib<whatever should go here to signal all the contents, folders and files under this folder> would be okay.

My main issue was I didn’t realize you had to first archive the artifacts in Main. Then I could use this: “Folder 2\bin**.” as the filter for files to copy.

I guess that kinda makes sense. It’s called copy artifacts not copy files.

Might be worth an submittkng a PR to the plugin docs to make that more clear

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