How to allow users to view jobs without accessing the console log in Jenkins?

Can I allow users to see that a task exists, but not allow them to view the console? Can I also ensure that anonymous users can only see that the task exists, but not any executions, artifacts, etc.?

The evil Jenkins image (rage.svg) is quite misleading to our staff. However, I don’t want just anyone to see every aspect of the job, as it might contain sensitive or exploitable data. The task name itself is not sensitive in our case.

Not sure what you mean with task.
There are no fine grained permissions that allow to restrict access to console output or attached artifacts. Only access to the workspace has a dedicated permission.
There is the permission “Job/Discover”. When you have this permission you will not get a 404 when you try to access a job. Instead it tells you to login (even when you’re already logged in). And no jobs are shown on the dashboard and you also can’t access any builds. You can only reach by directly going to the url (which you have to know).

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Thanks. Adding Job → Discover permission does make it work better :slight_smile:. No more scary, enraged Jenkins :wink:

Would still prefer for authenticated users to see at least a description of the job, and maybe a list of executions (without access to logs which can be sensitive and/or confusing). Seems like I can only restrict Workspace access now.