Help in getting started with open source

Hello Everyone
I am 1st year undergrad.
I would love to get started in open source contribution and finally and get into GSoC 2023 through Jenkins.
So, I planned to go through Jenkins Github repo to understand the workflow and what can i do help the community,
but i got very confused how to get started
Any help would be highly appreciated

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Project Overview

High level areas where you can get involved are described at

Overview of Google Summer of Code in Jenkins

Specific details about the Jenkins project and how it works with Google Summer of Code are included in:

Google Summer of Code special interest group in Jenkins

The Jenkins Google Summer of Code special interest group holds office hours once a week while Google Summer of Code is active. You could join one of those meetings and ask for additional guidance. See more at:

Issues for new contributors

If you prefer to get started with code changes, you could refer to the “Friendly Issues” list that identifies issue reports that are well suited to a first time contributor.

If a specific plugin or area is of interest to you, then you may also be able to find “good first issues” in the GitHub repository of that plugin.


Thank you for your taking your time and the guidance.
I’ll look into each of these topics and hopefully could find a good first issue to start with .

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