GSoC 2022 Office Hour


We will hold the first iteration of the GSoC 2022 weekly Office Hour in a couple of hours (15:00 UTC). We will use the following Zoom meeting room:

Please note that this is a new URL, different from the initial EMEA/Pacific Office Hour we held up to now.

See you there,

/- Jmm
(for the Jenkins GSoC Org Admin team)


Just experimenting with Discourse dates…
That should be: 2022-06-02T15:00:00Z
Unfortunately, I can’t find IST in this Discourse feature.

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Well, when doing my pre-flight check, I came to the conclusion that the account used for the above meeting is not working properly.

I have setup an alternate zoom meeting for the Office Hour: Temporary Zoom meeting (Passcode: 370995).
ProTip: copy the passcode before clicking on the meeting link.

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Today’s GSoC Office Hours recording.

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I don’t see IST in List of tz database time zones - Wikipedia
If you can let me know what the code is for the timezone i can easily add it.

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Thanks Gavin, I think it’s UTC+05:30.

I added " Asia/Kolkata" to that list but i don’t know if that did anything

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Looks good to me, thanks a lot for the update. :pray:
I’ll see if that works for our friends in Asia for the next GSoc 2022 Office Hour.

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