- @MarkEWaite (Mark Waite)
- @basil (Basil Crow)
- @kmartens27 (Kevin Martens)
- @dduportal (Damien Duportal)
- @uhafner (Ullrich Hafner)
- @gounthar (Bruno Verachten)
- @NotMyFault (Alexander Brandes)
Upcoming Calendar 
- Next LTS: 2.426.1, November 15, 2023
- Prototype.js removed
- Java 11 end of life administrative monitor shown to users running Java 11
- No support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and derivatives as announced in the end of life operating system blog post
- Next weekly release: 2.432
- Next major events:
- Jenkins officer and board elections
- Nomination of candidates closed Oct 27, 2023
- Voter registration closed Nov 5, 2023
- Only one candidate for each open position
- Board members - Basil Crow, Mark Waite
- Officers as currently stand, for another year
- Voting from Nov 6 - Dec 1
- Results announced Dec 11 - Basil welcome to the board Dec 11, 2023
- Jenkins officer and board elections
- Alex Brandes receives GitHub Supply Chain Sentinel award
Action Items
- Mark create issue to drop the weekly build of BOM in favor of human launched build
- Basil create issue to drop middle two lines from BOM full-test label
- Damien create issue to switch agent implementation to virtual machines
- Ulli propose a PR revising the election process to
- nominate 1 month earlier
- only register voters if more than one person is a candidate for at least one position
- Alexander Brandes and Ullrich Hafner run the officer and board elections for 2023
- How to announce the results?
- Publish a blog post that there is no vote needed
- Follow pattern of last year
- Would it be better to first gather candidates, then register voters?
- Second year where we did not need to vote
- Start a month earlier to search candidates, then do not register voters
- 57 registered voters, but no vote needed
- Timeline
- Nominations are closed (September 18 - October 27)
- All roles have at least one nominee
- If role is uncontested, then no need to vote
- If candidates agree to accept the nomination and they are only nominee, then they are elected
- All roles have at least one nominee
- Voter registration is closed (September 18 - November 05)
- Voting not needed (November 06 - December 1)
- Results announcement (December 11)
- Nominations are closed (September 18 - October 27)
- How to announce the results?
- Mark Waite submit jenkins.io pull request to combine subprojects and SIGs into a single concept - “working groups”
- More pull requests needed
- Retire the Chinese Jenkins site (Kevin Martens)
- Kevin, Damien and Mark met to review structure and understand the alternatives
- Ready to create a prototype locally, then meet with Damien again
- Chinese site link removed from www.jenkins.io header
- Kevin Martens (Docs Officer) tracking help desk ticket to replace the Chinese pages with redirects to the English pages
- Kevin working with the infrastructure team on the Helm charts implementing the Chinese site
- Kevin, Damien and Mark met to review structure and understand the alternatives
- Mark Waite draft a proposal to the board for license policy and phrasing changes
- No further progress
- Allow other licenses like the JSON license
- Some other approach?
- What license should be used for a library plugin?
- License of the wrapped library (if wrapped library has no separate code, then seems likely)
- MIT license as used by Jenkins plugins (if abstraction layer in the plugin, then MIT for ours?)
- Review responses from other projects to license mixture (e.g. PyPI)
- Mostly focuses on OSI approved licenses but include a separate category for other licenses
- Have categories for freeware, public domain, and more
- Reasonable precedent for allowing a wider range of licenses
- Needs more discussion, but being more permissive is working for PyPI
- Newer licenses may be more controversial
- Mostly focuses on OSI approved licenses but include a separate category for other licenses
- Mark Waite update the governance meeting GitHub repository with the latest meeting notes
Community activity
Intelligent test report experiment from Kohsuke Kawaguchi
- Developer mailing list request seeking users to explore it
- Kohsuke asks, “Would it be OK if I submit the necessary change in the CI pipeline & others to get this feature activated for Jenkins core?”
- Mark reply to the message that discussed and agreed
- Developer mailing list request seeking users to explore it
Java 11, 17, and 21 in Jenkins - Mark Waite
- 2+2+2 Java support plan - Jenkins enhancement proposal submitted
- Include the steps of the Java migration as part of the JEP (work estimate, tasks, etc.)
- Currently gathered in a block comment in Jenkins core
- Making a Java version the recommended version
- Dropping support for a Java version
- Allow future release leads and other contributors to use the document
- Further refinements to be done in the JEP
- Include the steps of the Java migration as part of the JEP (work estimate, tasks, etc.)
- Summary of discussions
- Jenkins developers mailing list - quiet
- Jenkins users mailing list - quiet
- Jenkins enhancement proposal - in progress
- Key dates
- Oct 3, 2023 - Java 11 end of life monitor visible in Jenkins weekly
- Nov 15, 2023 - Java 11 end of life monitor visible in Jenkins LTS
- Oct 2, 2024 - Last Jenkins LTS release to support Java 11
- Oct 30, 2024 - First Jenkins LTS to require Java 17
- Oct 31, 2024 - end of Java 11 support by Jenkins project
- 2+2+2 Java support plan - Jenkins enhancement proposal submitted
Hacktoberfest complete
- Jean-Marc Meessen message to developer list
Governance Topics
- Board and officer elections - Alexander Brandes
- Final announcement from Alex and Ulli
- Social media posting guidelines or guidance?
- Advocacy and outreach post from Jenkins Twitter and LinkedIn for U.S. Veteran’s Day
- Good to have more traffic on the Jenkins social media accounts
- Awkward to have a U.S. specific holiday that might be misinterpreted by those outside the U.S.
- OK to offer a “-1” for a social media post (Bruno)
- Ulli wanted information about Jenkins as a dev tool, not celebrating unrelated topics
- Holiday comments are unrelated to Jenkins primary
- Focus social media on Jenkins topics rather than “social” topics
- Things that are a net worth to the developer community
- Mark extend guidelines to emphasize developer centric posts rather than social posts
- Alex Brandes receives GitHub Supply Chain Sentinel award from Jenkins Twitter and LinkedIn
- Positive all around, no concerns
- Advocacy and outreach post from Jenkins Twitter and LinkedIn for U.S. Veteran’s Day
- Processing the Azure credits donation - Damien Duportal
- Create a new MSOP subscription to host ephemeral workloads and retain persistent workloads on existing “MCA” subscription
- Use the separate subscription for ephemeral
- Focused on new update center, but will start this before end of year
- Primary target - ephemeral agent
- Donation of Oracle Cloud costs by CloudBees - Mark Waite
- Still no progress from Oracle
- Oracle Cloud account remains open until Oracle agrees all invoices are resolved
- Total CloudBees donation - $1800 or less
- Jenkins project expenses on Oracle Cloud $0.00 since 30 Sep 2023
- Jenkins infrastructure costs overview - Damien Duportal
- Current infrastructure costs
- Cost reduction projects recently completed
- Cost reduction projects in progress