Gateway Timeout 504 Error After Jenkins Upgrade to 2.387.1

Recently, We have upgraded our Jenkins environment from version 2.346.2 to 2.387.1. We are facing issue such as Gateway timeout 504 error for accessing a few Jenkins jobs.

We have observed that some of the threads are stuck in the current request section under “Monitor Jenkins master” as
Handling GET /job/sample-job/wfapi/runs from : Jetty (winstone)-49575

Once we kill that specific thread, jobs are accessible.

Please suggest how to fix this issue.

Hello @vkumar and welcome to this community :wave:

How did you upgrade from version 2.346.2 to 2.387.1?
What is your operating system?
What is the Java version you’re using with your controller and agents?
Would you have any more logs to share?