Embeddable Build Status plugin usage


I am exploring a specific use case for embeddable build status plugin to showcase the health of each commit hash in a source code. The idea here being that each commit hash is supposed to run multiple pipelines which contribute to overall health of that commit after merging it to the controller branch of the source code.

Environment :
Jenkins Version 2.426.3
Embeddable Plugin Version : 467.v4a_954796e45d

Here is my sample pipeline code in groovy:

node() {
def commitHashBuildBadge = addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration(id: ā€œ${params.COMMIT_HASH}ā€, subject: ā€œBIOS Buildā€)
sleep 20

It is observed that if we run multiple builds for the above pipeline only the latest id set by addEmbeddableBadgeConfigurationconfig shows the correct icon and all the previous ones are set back to not run.

Here is the template of https url query used for fetching the icon:


Also adding a new filter after the execution of the job changes the text shown in the icon which should ideally not be allowed e.g

If the execution of Job #10 is complete, the filter

jenkins-url/buildStatus/icon?job=job-name&config={params.COMMIT_HASH}&subject=my-custom-string should not return any icon however it shows


Should this behavior be reported as a bug? Kindly advise.


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