Documentation office hours - May 23, 2024

2024-05-23 (EU/US)


  • Kevin Martens
  • Bruno Verachten
  • Kris Stern


  • Weekly 2.459 built and delivered
    • Changelog is published
  • LTS release 2.452.1 released May 15, 2024
  • Next LTS release 2.452.2 scheduled Jun 12, 2024
    • Kris Stern is release lead for the release
    • Started the release preparation
    • Release candidate in about 10 days May 29, 2024
    • Final release June 12, 2024
    • Kevin Martens will create changelog and upgrade guide
  • Versioned docs project
  • Recently merged work
  • Google Summer of Code project - improve infra stats site
    • Just started the project a few weeks ago
    • All projects are on track
    • Coding starts next week on Monday (May 27)
    • Infrastructure stats site project as currently in the infra-statistics repository
    • Uses React.js and Typescript in the current prototype
      • RPU meetings have not started yet, will start next week when Alex is available
    • Potentially have contributors collaborate write a blog post about the bonding period
  • Contributor spotlight: Jan Faracik May 22 2024
    • Alyssa Tong next
    • Have also received responses from Harsh Singh, Vandit Singh, and Michelle Martineau
    • Suggested to ask Rajiv Singh for his story as well
    • Adding a new feature to the site
  • Blue Ocean Deprecation project
    • Some tasks created with context/necessary actions but this will be expanded upon
    • Trying to get the tasks we know that will be needed
    • Tasks can always be changed/updated
    • Will include tasks/links/examples of work necessary
    • Kevin is still filling out the description/content of some tasks.
  • This week’s Asia office hours canceled
    • Mark’s birthday, he’ll spend the day doing “bike your age”
  • Cancel the Asia office hours May 31, 2024
    • Mark out of the office, traveling