I’m not able to see the folders in workspace, showing empty in pipeline job, adding the piece of pre-written code below:
echo $JVM_version
echo s-$brand_name-HD-PVR_Lite-tsc-k1p-sat-halv$HAL_version-jvm$JVM_version
cd $Build_Dir
echo deleting $Local_Dir folder
rm -rf $Local_Dir
echo $Local_Dir folder deleted succesfully.
mkdir $Local_Dir
chmod 777 $Local_Dir
cd $Local_Dir
git clone "URL"
other activities
When I’m giving the location of default workspace in Build_dir, then I’m able to see files and folders in workspace as well but build files are also there so that will create confusion, So workspaceDir and Build_Dir should be different,
is there some problem with above code? why default workspace is empty?