Build periodically Schedule

Trying to setup in windows
“Build periodically Schedule”

H/10 8-16 * * 0-5

My task plan:
Start 8:10, Sunday to Friday 1 hour interval


the problem is that it sees the wrong hours, a message appears

Would last have run at Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 4:58:04 PM Central European Summer Time; would next run at Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 8:08:04 AM Central European Summer Time.

Thanks for the help

Ignoring the H/ which is jenkins only for randomizing the minute*_*_0-5

“At minute 10 past every hour from 8 through 16 on every day-of-week from Sunday through Friday.”

My guess is the server is in one timezone (UTC maybe? check your systeminfo page), and you are in a different timezone, and that string is your timezone.

Everything works thank you.