After the jenkins upgrade to 2.346.2 version "Artifactory release promotion button doesn't work"?

When you click on the button nothing happens.

Is anyone else having issues? We have given access to developers at folder level with the help of 2 AD groups(1 group having least permissions like build,run the job and other group having more permissions still developers can’t able to click on that button for their pipeline jobs.
System admins of Jenkins instances are able to click on this button and see the promote artifacts options.
In this 2.346.2LTS versions of Jenkins any new permission has been added that we have to give??

Hello @anubhavmzp and welcome to this community :wave:

What was your previous Jenkins version?

The previous version of Jenkins was 2.319.3.

And, current version of artifactory plugin is 3.17.0(installed on the Jenkins side).

I was going through above doc but we are using “project based matrix authorisation strategy” means we defined the AD groups at folder level for developers and team leads. How can we enable above promote button using “project based matrix authorisation strategy” at folder level so that we don’t have to give permissions to developers at global level of jenkins. Should be at folder level similar to other permissions.


Hi Bruno Verachten,

Can you please advise?