Attendees: AT, Kris Stern, Bruno Verachten, JMM, Kevin Martens, Mark Waite
Action items:
Recruit mentors [all]
FOSDEM logistics [AT & JMM]
Bring up webpages: Contributor, Success Stories, Plugin w/ Documentation [KM]
Set up GSoC JOM - Dec 20 [AT]
- Contributor spotlight project - page is live!
- Thank you again Kris, Kevin, Herve, Cristina & JMM
- This page (along w/ Success Stories, Plugin) could not be linked to home ( - Kevin will take this topic to Documentation SIG to address.
- Contributor summit @ FOSDEM
- Posted on Jenkins Developers and Users Meetup Group
- Logistical details are in process:
- AT: stickers, swag, collateral
- JMM: signage, attendees
- GSoC 2024
- Need a focused effort to attract mentors
- Call for mentor blog post - AT to create PR
- AT - solicit via CDF Slack, X/LI
- Schedule online meetup for prospects: Dec 20
- Need more mentors join the JOM
- AT: to initiate deck
- Project ideas - list looks good we need to focus on recruiting mentors
- Potential mentors: Herve, Harsh
- Need a focused effort to attract mentors
- Holiday tweet images:
- Attendees felt images are neutral enough to be used from Jenkins X/LI