Using environment variables in if-else statement

In Jenkins, I’ve created a pipeline to go through several stages. In the second stage, after cloning the repository in the first stage, I want to check if a file called ${FILENAME} exists in the ${REPOSITORY_NAME}/apps directory.

If it exists, I want to perform kubectl rollout restart deployment ${APPLICATION_NAME}, and if it does not exist, I want to create such application.

I am not used to Jenkins’ environment variables, and having trouble using it for the condition in the if-else statement.

Even when the ${FILENAME} exists, env.ALREADY_EXISTS won’t change to "true"; however I’ve confirmed that echo "ALREADY_EXISTS = ${ALREADY_EXISTS}" results in ALREADY_EXISTS = true.

Why is env.ALREADY_EXISTS not updated and how can I fix this? Thanks in advance.

pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
    stages {
        stage("Clone Git Repository") {
            steps {
                    url: "${REPOSITORY_NAME}.git",
                    branch: "main",
                    changelog: true,
                    credentialsId: 'mycreds',
                    poll: true
        stage("Check if file already exists") {
            steps {
                sh '''
                  cd ./apps
                  if [ -f "${FILENAME}" ]; then
                    echo "${FILENAME} exists"
                    echo "${FILENAME} does not exist"
                  echo "ALREADY_EXISTS = ${ALREADY_EXISTS}"
                  cd ..
        stage("Rollout or create app") {
            steps {
                script {
                    if (env.ALREADY_EXISTS == "true") {
                        withKubeConfig([namespace: "${APPLICATION_NAME}-${CLIENT_ID}"]) {
                            sh 'curl -LO'
                            sh 'chmod u+x ./kubectl'
                            sh './kubectl rollout restart deployment ${APPLICATION_NAME}'
                    } else {
                      sh '''
                        # Create new app ...

things that happen in sh() statements are isolated. they won’t affect any other sh statement

in this specific example, it might be easier to do it in non shell

script {
  env.ALREADY_EXISTS = fileExists("./apps/${FILENAME}") ? "true" : "false"

things that happen in sh() statements are isolated. they won’t affect any other sh statement

Didn’t know the above fact. Thanks for pointing it out.

However, I’ve found in this link that environment variables defined in environment {} block cannot be overridden.

So I initialized the variable ALREADY_EXISTS outside the environment {} block and set its value as you advised.

script {
  ALREADY_EXISTS = fileExists("./apps/${FILENAME}") ? "true" : "false"

And it works fine. Thanks for the solution.

You can’t override env variables in sh statements but you can totally override env variables via Jenkinsfile script