How to call variables in shell for declarative pipeline?

pipeline {
    agent {
        label "kubeagent"
    parameters {
        choice(name: 'ENVIRONMENT', choices: ['Dev', 'Test', 'Preprod', 'Prod'], description: 'Select Environment')
        choice(name: 'SERVICE', choices: ['admin-portal', 'shop', 'analytics', 'profile'], description: 'Select Service')
    environment {
        SHOP_CONFIGMAP_DEV = credentials('SHOP-SECRET-DEV')
    stages {
        stage("Copy Env File") {
            when {
                anyOf {
                    equals expected: 'shop', actual: "${SERVICE}"
            steps {
                script {
                    if(params.SERVICE == 'shop'){
                        if(params.ENVIRONMENT == 'Dev'){
                           def configFile = "${params.SERVICE.toUpperCase()}_CONFIGMAP_${params.ENVIRONMENT.toUpperCase()}"
			               echo "ConfigFile Name: ${configFile}"
                           sh '''
                           echo "${configFile}"
                           cp  env."$configFile" "$WORKSPACE/secret.yaml"
                           echo File Copied Successfully
                        } else {
                            echo "Invalid Env"

Hey all,

So the issue Iā€™m having is calling the environment variable into my shell.

What am I trying to achieve?

As you can see thereā€™s multiple environments and services, so Iā€™m trying to get the secret.yaml files copied when the user selects the parameters, without having to use multiple if statements.

Whatā€™s not working out?

The echo "${configFile}" which lives inside the shell output is ā€˜ā€™ (blank). However the echo "ConfigFile Name: ${configFile}" which lives outside the shell seems to output the value as expected which is ā€œSHOP_CONFIGMAP_DEVā€.

Now SHOP_CONFIGMAP_DEV is a credential in Jenkins which is of type secret file. And Iā€™m trying to copy this to my $WORKSPACE path.

Syntaxes Iā€™ve tried so far.

  • cp env.ā€œ$configFileā€
  • cp ā€œ${configFile}ā€
  • cp ā€œ${env[configFile]}ā€

None of these seem to seemed to work and I was wondering if thereā€™s a way to get the variable set and then copy the file associated to that variable into my Job workspace.

Youā€™re using triple single quotes, which disables groovy string interpolation.
When you use triple double quotes it will work

sh """
echo "${configFile}"
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Wow :man_facepalming:

I did not expect that. I was on this for some time. Thanks a million ā€œmawinter69ā€ :sweat_smile:

The final syntax I used to copy the file was.

sh """
cp  \${${configFile}} "$WORKSPACE/secret.yaml"
echo File Copied Successfully