Upgrade Guide for Jenkins LTS 2.426.3

Hello Team,
We have Jenkins installed as package manager on Ubuntu 9 and current version of Jenkins is Jenkins 2.346.2 and we are targeting to upgrade the controller to 2.426.3 LTS. We have gone through all the Release Notes and it looks feasible for us.

Currently our java version on controller and agents is 1.8 Java . Need your suggestion to which specific version of java we should point to on controller and agents to get a greater performace and compatibility.

Also can you help us with any specific suggestion to take care during the upgrade. Note we have 14000 jobs on jenkins and 310 plugins

Any other breaking changes is going to happen ?

You should go with java 17 as java 11 will not be supported anymore by newer Jenkins version (see Java Support Policy) and Introducing the 2 + 2 + 2 Java support plan
So the coming LTS (2.452.x) will be the last to support Java 11, the one afterwards will require java 17

Make sure to update all plugins before and after the upgrade.


While not intended as a guide, my journey expressed here was similar Upgrade Journey

I had to upgrade a lot of different moving pieces as well (Java, Plug-ins, Jenkins, plug-ins). Fortunately I had had a sandbox server and cloned on of the existing servers, so I could develop a process. There is a lot to consider coming from 2.346.

Especially if you have older builds, you will need older jdks installed. One snag that I recently had to overcome was a maven plug in. Development was using an older plug in that didn’t execute with a more modern java runtime, watch Console logs for legacy applications. This was initially a roadblock for my jenkins servers, which was at the highest LTS allowed by my Java RT.

Now that I have that path cleared, I can keep pushing.


Thank you so much for your response. Any specific version of Java 17 we can go for ?
So you are suggesting to upgrade all the plugins before the upgrade compatible with 2.346.2 that is our current version ?

Thank you so much for your response. Any specific version of Java 17 we can go for ?
So you are suggesting to upgrade all the plugins before the upgrade compatible with 2.346.2 that is our current version ?

We support Temurin JDK, so 17.0.11+9 would be the right choice at the time of writing.

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Thank you so much @poddingue for your quick response

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@poddingue Any specific reason we have to move to Temurin JDK ?
We are using currently
openjdk version “1.8.0_332”

OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_332-8u332-ga-1~deb9u1-b09)

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.332-b09, mixed mode)

Temurin is an openjdk built by the Eclipse Foundation (see https://adoptium.net/). It’s the most used openjdk version probably.

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@mawinter69 Thanks for quick response. One last query, is it not possible by any chance to upgrade our current flavour of java we have installed to 17.x ? i.e openjdk version “1.8.0_332”

you can also update to the openjdk provided by the OS vendor, should be no problem. Just should be a java 17.

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I was almost sure I could find some documentation on jenkins.io stating we only support Temurin builds, but I was wrong. :person_shrugging:
Java Support Policy

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