Looking for guidance on how to update Java from 11 to 21 on a Windows Server. The documents I have found is updating on a Linux server.
What version of Jenkins do you plan to use while doing so?
Thank you for your quick response.
We are currently running:
Jenkins v.2.440.1
This Jenkins version works with Java 11 to Java 21.
Which JDK vendor are you currently using?
We recommend Eclipse Temurin.
I think it should go pretty smoothly.
You could have a look at :
- Migration from Oracle JDK to OpenJDK
- and then https://adoptium.net/installation/windows/
- and finally https://adoptopenjdk.net/MigratingtoAdoptOpenJDKfromOracleJava.pdf if needed
Even Microsoft recommend an easy path: How to migrate from Oracle Java to Microsoft OpenJDK · microsoft/openjdk · Discussion #381 · GitHub .
Thank you very much. I sincerely appreciate all your help.
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