Unable to install "Plugin Usage - Plugin" on Jenkins 2.332.1


I am newcomer to Jenkins.
Jenkins 2.332.1 is running on RHEL server. When i try to install “Plugin Usage - Plugin 3.0” from Plugin manager Jenkins console, I get the below error.

Failed to load: Plugin Usage - Plugin (plugin-usage-plugin 3.0)

  • Update required: Pipeline: Declarative (pipeline-model-definition 1.8.4) to be updated to 1.9.3 or higher

When i search for “Pipeline: Declarative” in the installed plugins, its listed with version 1.8.4 but greyed out for any actions…

Can someone advise how to enable the “Plugin Usage - Plugin” …

how sure are you that this version is installed? Its the min version for latest pipeline declarative plugin.

Otherwise have you recently restarted jenkins? Someone might have started the upgrade process for the plugin but didn’t restart after upgrading, so its still stuck on the old version.

Thanks for the response.

how sure are you that this version is installed? Its the min version for latest pipeline declarative plugin.

>>>> Yes, I just checked version info and its 2.332.1.

Otherwise have you recently restarted jenkins? Someone might have started the upgrade process for the plugin but didn’t restart after upgrading, so its still stuck on the old version.

>>>> Not restarted the jenkins recently. Are you referring the Pipeline: Declarative” here ? I am not sure if someone has initiated upgrade process for this. Can you advise the next possible step to fix the plugin usage plugin ? Can I try restarting the Jenkins service. But I am afraid if its not coming up properly due to some reason as it’s the production server.

As the error states, you need to update Pipeline: Declarative to 1.9.3 or newer. You do that on the “Updates” view.