Support for Dual Identity Providers (IdP) in Jenkins

Hello Jenkins Community,

I am exploring the possibility of configuring dual IdPs (Identity Providers) in Jenkins to support multiple authentication sources, such as integrating both SAML and OIDC (or other combinations like LDAP + OIDC).

Does Jenkins natively support dual IdP configurations, or would this require custom plugins or additional configurations? If anyone has experience setting up multiple IdPs, I’d appreciate any insights, best practices, or potential challenges you encountered.

Jenkins doesn’t support configuring multiple IDPs.
There is a plugin that provides this (Mixing Security Realm) but it not compatible with latest version of Jenkins.

You could probably use keycloak to mix mand match different IdPs (lookup via user federation for ldap, use delegated IdPs in keyclaok for OIDC/SAML to upstream IdPs) , and then use keycloak (oidc or SAML) to authenticate in Jenkins