Still waiting to schedule task Waiting for next available executor

I am trying to deploy windows images as kubernetes pods in K8S cluster through jenkins by using Jenkinsfile.
So this is my Jenkinsfile
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
cloud ‘windows-cluster’
label ‘windows-agent’
yaml “”"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
app: windows-agent
- name: jnlp
image: jenkins/inbound-agent:windowsservercore-ltsc2019
- name: dotnet
command: [‘cmd’]
args: [‘k’]
tty: true
nodeSelector: windows

stages {
    stage('Build') {
         steps {
            container('dotnet') {
                bat 'dotnet --version'
    // stage('Run .net commands') {
    //     steps {
    //         container('dotnet-pod') {
    //             bat 'dotnet build'
    //         }
    //     }
    // }

whatever I have mentioned in Jenkinsfile I have configured in backed cloud configuration(kubernetes cloud).
so when I try to run this Job. In log file it is showing
still waiting to schedule task waiting for next available executor for 1 to 2 hours so finally aborted that job.
this is the issue i am facing. If anyone know the solution please reply to this question.

Hi, I don’t know kubernetes. But I had faced a similar executor issue when using nodes. You can change the no. of executors . Refer the Screen shot below

Thank You @cuckuduku for the reply
So I have increased Number of executors to 5 so we are still facing this error
Still waiting to schedule task
‘Jenkins’ doesn’t have label ‘linux-app_20-xww1j’
even though we have mentioned label in the backend cloud configuration.

label ‘linux-app_20-xww1j’ is not there in Jenkins. You can attach the screenshot of nodes or labels, so that I can see

@ganesh1143 Is this issue resolved for you. Actually I am also facing similar issue.
Where my dynamic kaniko agent gets created in k8s.

Please let me know if you are able to resolve this.
Thanks in advance.