Jenkins issue:"Still waiting to schedule task ,Stopping part of projectName"

Issue log
Still waiting to schedule task
Stopping part of projectName

I have this issue with my jenkins,but if I change job name or restart jenkins server, will fix this issue,But why and how can this problem be avoided?
Agent connect server normally , and agent name or lable is correct


When I see that, it usually means that the agent label that would perform the work is not available. Sometimes in my environment that means a job requested the agent label windows but all the agents with that label are busy running other tasks.

If that’s not your case, you might try adding a new label to one of your agents, in case that allows the scheduler to detect the agent. If that helps, then that is a temporary workaround.

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I am more curious about why I can restart Jenkins server or change the name of the job to solve this problem, which makes me wonder if this problem is related to jenkins cache,thanks!

I observed this behaviour that the agents were there but Jenkins was not able to assign the task on 2.414.x with agents created by kubernetes plugin. After updating kubernetes plugin and going to 2.426.x the problem disappeared.

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