I am using Jenkins 2.361.4 installed on a RHEL 9 server. I have created 2 declarative pipelines; Parent-Pipeline and Child-Pipeline. The code behind these is shown below.
Note: I am using the Pipeline: Build Step (version 2.18) plugin
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("Trigger another pipeline") {
steps {
echo "Pipeline started"
build(job: "Child-Pipeline")
echo "Pipeline ended"
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("Greetings") {
echo("Child-Pipeline says hi!")
I also have the Pipeline: Stage View (version 2.38) installed so that when I run Parent-Pipeline, I get the following:
My question is: Is there any way (either using the existing plugins or new ones) to show the progress of the Child-Pipeline on the same screen as the progress of the Parent-Pipeline??
I am aware that this is quite straightforward as if all the stages were just in ONE pipeline but I have a particular requirement to keep them in two separate pipelines