Platform SIG December 19, 2023



  • Open Action items
    • BlueOcean Docker container - needs to communicate its deprecation
    • Kevin check for Python and Alpine interaction in the tutorials
      • Damien provide solution we used with Bookworm
  • Java 21 support - 2+2+2 Java Support Plan
  • Released work on agent and controller images
    • Controller Weekly 2.437
      • Update to Jenkins 2.437
    • Controller LTS 2.426.2
      • Update to Jenkins 2.426.2
      • Bump Alpine Linux Version to 3.19.0
        • Same message related to Python on Alpine 3.19.0 as we saw with Debian Bookworm
        • New with Alpine 3.19.0
        • If using Python on Alpine 3.19.0, need to switch to pipx
          • Kevin Martens to check the tutorials for any use of Alpine with Python in a container
      • Bump plugin manager to 2.12.14
      • Bump almalinux from to 8.9
      • Bump updatecli/updatecli-action to 2.50.0
      • Bump Debian Bookworm Linux Version to 20231120
      • Replace curl.exe by Invoke-WebRequest
      • Add lts- prefix to LTS short tags not including Jenkins version
    • Docker-agent: a few version bumps, leading to two releases: (3192.v713e3b_039fb_e-6 and 3198.v03a_401881f3e-1)
      • Bump updatecli/updatecli-action from 2.49.1 to 2.50.0
      • Bump Alpine Linux Version to 3.19.0
      • Bump the Jenkins remoting version to 3198.v03a_401881f3e
      • Bump git-lfs version on Windows to 3.4.1
    • Inbound-agent: a few bumps and changes leading to two new releases (3192.v713e3b_039fb_e-6 and 3198.v03a_401881f3e-1):
      • Bump the parent image jenkins/agent version to 3192.v713e3b_039fb_e-6
      • Add missing condition check for jdk21-nanoserver-ltsc2019 image
      • Bump the parent image jenkins/agent version to 3198.v03a_401881f3e-1
      • Bump updatecli/updatecli-action from 2.50.0 to 2.51.0
  • Work in progress on images:
  • Jenkins Artifactory bandwidth reduction project results
    • Some users are seeing the first few consequences
    • Completed, ⅓ savings of bandwidth expected, minimal impact to developers
    • Final measurements needed
    • Still finding some minor issues, resolving them as we find