Null commitId of files updated in PTC/Integrity


I use Jenkins with PTC/Integrity 11 as SCM, the changes in the SCM are detected properly when the Poll SCM option is enabled and they trigger a build. The problem is that the commitId of the files changed come as null when the changeSets collection of the currentbuild is parsed in the Jenkins file. Any idea why?
Note: The author and the msg associate with the check-ins are correct, the time/date stamp exists but is set to a default value.

The changes in the SCM are properly listed in the Changes section of the pipeline, though.

Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

are you talking about PTC Windchill RV&S CM ?

I know its a company owned plugin, so I recommend reaching out to them, or at least filing a bug, as it doesn’t seem like correct behavior.

I don’t think that SCM is common enough that the users forum would be able to provide you much info :frowning: