Manage Jenkins page not visible after upgrade to 2.467

I have upgraded the jenkins from 2.452 to 2.467. After the jenkins restart manage jenkins page is there but its not showing any data there. its all white blank. In the logs I am getting this.

WARNING [Handling GET /jenkins/manage/ from : https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-10] hudson.init.impl.InstallUncaughtExceptionHandler.handleException null
javax.servlet.ServletException: org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException: jar:file:/jenkins/webapps/jenkins/WEB-INF/lib/jenkins-core-2.467.jar!/hudson/model/ManageJenkinsAction/index.jelly:45:57: st:include Exception evaluating property ā€˜sizeā€™ for java.util.ArrayList, Reason: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: size for class: hudson.model.UpdateSite$Warning

Hello and welcome to this community, @troy3. :wave:

By any chance, would you still be running Java 11 with your 2.467 Jenkins war?
Since the 2.463 release, you have to use Java 17.
I hope this helps. :person_shrugging:

eralier it was using java 11 but for this I have upgraded to java 17
current version is
I have another jenkins host at same java version that works fine with this java & jenkins version.

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Ok, thanks. :thinking:
jenkins-plugin-cli --plugin-file /usr/share/jenkins/ref/plugins.txt --no-download --available-updates --output txt > dockerfiles/plugins.txt work?

-bash: jenkins-plugin-cli: command not found

My bad. The shell file is a wrapper in most of the Jenkins docker images. Itā€™s not part of a standard installation.

wget JENKINS_URL/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar --plugin-file /usr/share/jenkins/ref/plugins.txt --no-download --available-updates --output txt > dockerfiles/plugins.txt

ace-editor: 1.1
allure-jenkins-plugin: 2.31.1
ansible-tower: 0.16.0
ant: 497.v94e7d9fffa_b_9
antisamy-markup-formatter: 162.v0e6ec0fcfcf6
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api: 4.5.14-208.v438351942757
asm-api: 9.7-33.v4d23ef79fcc8
authentication-tokens: 1.119.v50285141b_7e1
bootstrap5-api: 5.3.3-1
branch-api: 2.1169.va_f810c56e895
build-timeout: 1.33
build-timestamp: 1.0.3
built-on-column: 1.4
caffeine-api: 3.1.8-133.v17b_1ff2e0599
checks-api: 2.2.0
cloudbees-folder: 6.942.vb_43318a_156b_2
code-coverage-api: 4.99.0
command-launcher: 107.v773860566e2e
commons-lang3-api: 3.14.0-76.vda_5591261cfe
commons-text-api: 1.12.0-119.v73ef73f2345d
conditional-buildstep: 1.4.3
coverage: 1.16.1
credentials-binding: 681.vf91669a_32e45
credentials: 1371.vfee6b_095f0a_3
cucumber-living-documentation: 3.2
dashboard-view: 2.508.va_74654f026d1
data-tables-api: 2.0.8-1
display-url-api: 2.204.vf6fddd8a_8b_e9
docker-commons: 439.va_3cb_0a_6a_fb_29
docker-workflow: 580.vc0c340686b_54
durable-task: 555.v6802fe0f0b_82
echarts-api: 5.5.0-1
eddsa-api: 0.3.0-4.v84c6f0f4969e
email-ext: 1814.v404722f34263
envinject-api: 1.199.v3ce31253ed13
envinject: 2.908.v66a_774b_31d93
external-monitor-job: 215.v2e88e894db_f8
font-awesome-api: 6.5.2-1
forensics-api: 2.4.0
git-client: 5.0.0
git-parameter: 0.9.19
git-server: 126.v0d945d8d2b_39
git: 5.2.2
github-api: 1.318-461.v7a_c09c9fa_d63
github-branch-source: 1790.v5a_7859812c8d
github-organization-folder: 1.6
github: 1.39.0
gitlab-plugin: 1.8.1
gradle: 2.12
gson-api: 2.11.0-41.v019fcf6125dc
handlebars: 3.0.8
hidden-parameter: 237.v4b_df26c7a_f0e
htmlpublisher: 1.36
icon-shim: 3.0.0
instance-identity: 185.v303dc7c645f9
ionicons-api: 74.v93d5eb_813d5f
jackson2-api: 2.17.0-379.v02de8ec9f64c
jacoco: 3.3.6
jakarta-activation-api: 2.1.3-1
jakarta-mail-api: 2.1.3-1
javadoc: 243.vb_b_503b_b_45537
javax-activation-api: 1.2.0-7
javax-mail-api: 1.6.2-10
jaxb: 2.3.9-1
jdk-tool: 73.vddf737284550
jenkins-multijob-plugin: 627.v7c23cef20a_6a
jersey2-api: 2.42-147.va_28a_44603b_d5
jjwt-api: 0.11.5-112.ve82dfb_224b_a_d
job-import-plugin: 3.6
joda-time-api: 2.12.7-29.v5a_b_e3a_82269a_
jquery-detached: 1.2.1
jquery: 1.12.4-1
jquery3-api: 3.7.1-2
jsch: 0.2.16-86.v42e010d9484b_
json-api: 20240303-41.v94e11e6de726
json-path-api: 2.9.0-58.v62e3e85b_a_655
junit: 1265.v65b_14fa_f12f0
ldap: 725.v3cb_b_711b_1a_ef
log-parser: 2.3.4
mailer: 472.vf7c289a_4b_420
mapdb-api: 1.0.9-40.v58107308b_7a_7
matrix-auth: 3.2.2
matrix-project: 832.va_66e270d2946
maven-plugin: 3.23
mina-sshd-api-common: 2.13.1-117.v2f1a_b_66ff91d
mina-sshd-api-core: 2.13.1-117.v2f1a_b_66ff91d
momentjs: 1.1.1
multiple-scms: 0.8
next-build-number: 1.8
okhttp-api: 4.11.0-172.vda_da_1feeb_c6e
pam-auth: 1.11
parameterized-trigger: 806.vf6fff3e28c3e
performance: 962.v95a_4913d332e
pipeline-build-step: 540.vb_e8849e1a_b_d8
pipeline-github-lib: 61.v629f2cc41d83
pipeline-graph-analysis: 216.vfd8b_ece330ca_
pipeline-groovy-lib: 727.ve832a_9244dfa_
pipeline-input-step: 495.ve9c153f6067b_
pipeline-milestone-step: 119.vdfdc43fc3b_9a_
pipeline-model-api: 2.2205.vc9522a_9d5711
pipeline-model-declarative-agent: 1.1.1
pipeline-model-definition: 2.2205.vc9522a_9d5711
pipeline-model-extensions: 2.2205.vc9522a_9d5711
pipeline-rest-api: 2.34
pipeline-stage-step: 312.v8cd10304c27a_
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata: 2.2205.vc9522a_9d5711
pipeline-stage-view: 2.34
plain-credentials: 183.va_de8f1dd5a_2b_
plot: 2.1.12
plugin-util-api: 4.1.0
popper2-api: 2.11.6-5
postbuildscript: 3.3.0-654.v67cf36130d78
prism-api: 1.29.0-15
rebuild: 332.va_1ee476d8f6d
resource-disposer: 0.23
role-strategy: 727.vd344b_eec783d
run-condition: 1.7
scm-api: 690.vfc8b_54395023
script-security: 1341.va_2819b_414686
snakeyaml-api: 2.2-111.vc6598e30cc65
sonar: 2.17.2
ssh-agent: 367.vf9076cd4ee21
ssh-credentials: 337.v395d2403ccd4
ssh-slaves: 2.973.v0fa_8c0dea_f9f
ssh: 2.6.1
sshd: 3.330.vc866a_8389b_58
structs: 338.v848422169819
subversion: 1269.v53185011cd9f
test-results-analyzer: 0.4.1
timestamper: 1.27
token-macro: 400.v35420b_922dcb_
trilead-api: 2.147.vb_73cc728a_32e
variant: 60.v7290fc0eb_b_cd
windows-slaves: 1.8.1
workflow-aggregator: 600.vb_57cdd26fdd7
workflow-api: 1322.v857eeeea_9902
workflow-basic-steps: 1058.vcb_fc1e3a_21a_9
workflow-cps-global-lib-http: 2.48.0
workflow-cps-global-lib: 612.v55f2f80781ef
workflow-cps: 3908.vd6b_b_5a_a_54010
workflow-durable-task-step: 1360.v82d13453da_a_f
workflow-job: 1436.vfa_244484591f
workflow-multibranch: 791.v28fb_f74dfca_e
workflow-scm-step: 427.v4ca_6512e7df1
workflow-step-api: 678.v3ee58b_469476
workflow-support: 920.v59f71ce16f04
ws-cleanup: 0.46

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I was unable to duplicate the failure with a fresh installation of Jenkins 2.467 on Debian. Steps that I took to try to duplicate the problem:

  1. Create a plugins.txt file that includes your list of plugins
  2. Create a shell script that downloads Jenkins 2.467 and the plugins in your list
  3. Run the shell script and complete the setup wizard by creating a new user and choosing to install no additional plugins
  4. Open the ā€œManage Jenkinsā€ page and navigate various parts of that page (system information, tools, plugins, credentials)

Deprecated plugins to remove

The ā€œManage Jenkinsā€ page includes the following warnings that you should heed by removing the deprecated plugins:

The following installed plugins are deprecated

In general, this means that these plugins are either obsolete, no longer being developed, or may no longer work. See the linked web pages for further information about the cause for the deprecation, and suggestions on how to proceed.

Security vulnerability

The ssh plugin has a security vulnerability. In general, that plugin can be replaced by other plugins using sh commands from Pipeline. You probably want to remove it as well so that your Jenkins controller does not have known security vulnerabilities.

Consider switching to LTS

If youā€™re not updating every week, then the Jenkins weekly release may not be a great choice for you. You might consider switching to the Jenkins LTS release so that instead of updating weekly, you can update monthly.

Script to run Jenkins

This is the script that I used.


# Manage Jenkins page not visible after upgrade to 2.467


if [ ! -f ../$PLUGIN_MANAGER_JAR ]; then
if [ ! -d plugins ]; then
  mkdir plugins
java -jar ../$PLUGIN_MANAGER_JAR --jenkins-version $JENKINS_WAR_VERSION --latest false --plugin-download-directory plugins --plugin-file plugins.txt

if [ ! -f ../$JENKINS_WAR ]; then
  mv jenkins*.war ../$JENKINS_WAR

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What is the Java version you are using for this?
Also for me after the restart manage Jenkins page is fine and I am able to visit options there. But when I move to any other page then come back to manage Jenkins then itā€™s giving error and blank page.

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Java 21.0.4 on amd64 Debian.

I navigated between various Manage Jenkins pages and the root Jenkins page. I did not define any Jenkins jobs, so there was no navigation to job definitions and no editing of job definitions in my testing.

Can you duplicate the failure on a separate machine using my script and your list of plugins?