I have upgraded the jenkins from 2.452 to 2.467. After the jenkins restart manage jenkins page is there but its not showing any data there. its all white blank. In the logs I am getting this.
WARNING [Handling GET /jenkins/manage/ from : https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-10] hudson.init.impl.InstallUncaughtExceptionHandler.handleException null
javax.servlet.ServletException: org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException: jar:file:/jenkins/webapps/jenkins/WEB-INF/lib/jenkins-core-2.467.jar!/hudson/model/ManageJenkinsAction/index.jelly:45:57: st:include Exception evaluating property āsizeā for java.util.ArrayList, Reason: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: size for class: hudson.model.UpdateSite$Warning
eralier it was using java 11 but for this I have upgraded to java 17
current version is
I have another jenkins host at same java version that works fine with this java & jenkins version.
In general, this means that these plugins are either obsolete, no longer being developed, or may no longer work. See the linked web pages for further information about the cause for the deprecation, and suggestions on how to proceed.
Security vulnerability
The ssh plugin has a security vulnerability. In general, that plugin can be replaced by other plugins using sh commands from Pipeline. You probably want to remove it as well so that your Jenkins controller does not have known security vulnerabilities.
Consider switching to LTS
If youāre not updating every week, then the Jenkins weekly release may not be a great choice for you. You might consider switching to the Jenkins LTS release so that instead of updating weekly, you can update monthly.
Script to run Jenkins
This is the run-jenkins.sh script that I used.
# Manage Jenkins page not visible after upgrade to 2.467
# https://community.jenkins.io/t/manage-jenkins-page-not-visible-after-upgrade-to-2-467/17356
if [ ! -f ../$PLUGIN_MANAGER_JAR ]; then
wget https://github.com/jenkinsci/plugin-installation-manager-tool/releases/download/${PLUGIN_MANAGER_VERSION}/$PLUGIN_MANAGER_JAR
if [ ! -d plugins ]; then
mkdir plugins
java -jar ../$PLUGIN_MANAGER_JAR --jenkins-version $JENKINS_WAR_VERSION --latest false --plugin-download-directory plugins --plugin-file plugins.txt
if [ ! -f ../$JENKINS_WAR ]; then
wget https://get.jenkins.io/war/${JENKINS_WAR_VERSION}/jenkins.war
mv jenkins*.war ../$JENKINS_WAR
What is the Java version you are using for this?
Also for me after the restart manage Jenkins page is fine and I am able to visit options there. But when I move to any other page then come back to manage Jenkins then itās giving error and blank page.
I navigated between various Manage Jenkins pages and the root Jenkins page. I did not define any Jenkins jobs, so there was no navigation to job definitions and no editing of job definitions in my testing.
Can you duplicate the failure on a separate machine using my script and your list of plugins?