kubernetesDeploy plugin suspended

Hi, I am following some tutorials and exercised that use kubernetesDeploy plugin as follows:

                    kubeconfigId: 'kubeconfig',
                    configs: 'train-schedule-kube.yml',
                    enableConfigSubstitution: true

I wanted to add it to my jenkins environment but it seems that it is not available anymore. In the pipeline, I can/need to call directly
kubectl apply -f train-schedule-kube.yml
inside train-schedule-kube.yml There are 2 variables to be replaced by values declared globally in the pipeline so the plugin was taking care of this but if I use
kubectl apply -f train-schedule-kube.yml, my kubernetes cluster try to create the pods but it fails because it cant replace the following in the yml file

      - name: train-schedule

which was taken car of by the suspended plugin through the parameter

enableConfigSubstitution: true

so how can I achieve this without the plugin or maybe is there another plugin that can do the job?
Thanks in advance