Hello Jenkins Community,
I just joined this site and this is my first posting.
Hoping someone can please give advice on the following below?
Upgrade question.
John Dove
We use old Jenkins 2.150.1
I have been asked to upgrade to the most recent Jenkins version.
Is there an upgrade path I should follow?
Ouch, thats a bit of a large jump. Its probably not what you want to hear, but generally switch to each LTS one at a time and follow the notes on Jenkins LTS Upgrade Guide
Or if your okay with downtime (likely some breakage), setup a new instance, jump directly to latest version, re-install /all the same plugins, and import all the jobs (copy the jobs directory).
Upgrade by a series of steps, fixing breakages at intermediate steps in hopes the sum of changes needed in the series of steps is less than the alternative
Create a new instance, install the target version (2.289.3 or 2.303.2), then copy in the files from the source instance. Run the instance and diagnose issues
Upgrade guides describe each of the steps. So, there is an upgrade guide from 2.150.x to 2.163.1. There is an upgrade guide from each of the LTS releases to the next LTS release.