Jenkins Repository not found using a GH Enterprise org and GH PAT

I´m trying to access a GH repository stored in a GH Enterprise org with SSO enabled.
I can access it and created a PAT with my user and a Global credential in Jenkins using the PAT as usual.
But after that, when I try to create a pipeline using the remote repo, I receive the following error message:

The PAT has the following scopes selected:

  • repo
  • workflow
  • write:packages
  • admin:repo_hook
  • project

Usually, only the repo scope should be enough. I checked the other ones in case it could fix the issue, but no success.
I followed the same steps I used in other pipelines created from GH.
In fact, I´m trying to move a repo stored in the GH free license GH to this GH Enterprise org. I can clone the repo from the GH website, but Jenkins cannot access it to create the pipeline in the same way we did for the free license repo.

Any help on this issue?

Update: I can clone the remote repo using a git clone command in the Jenkins server with the same PAT, but I´m still receiving the same error message in the Jenkins pipeline.

I can also access it from Jenkins if I add the PAT to the remote repo URL, but that idea doesn´t like me as, in that way, the PAT can be read by someone who has access to the Pipeline config or even to the console output as the full path is logged there with the PAT also included.
I used PAT in other pipelines without including the PAT in the URL, just using the credentials defined in Jenkins, so I cannot understand why is needed in this case.

Any idea?