Jenkins pipleliens hung due to hudson.remoting.ChannelClosedException

Some of Jenkins plan failed due to below error. However, it doesn’t rerun. Jenkins slaves are accessible but didn’t connect to the master. we had to terminate and run again to run the plan.

Hi there,

As a reminder, the term “slave” to refer to an agent has been deprecated since 2016. Please refer to On Jenkins Terminology Updates for more details. We request you update your post.

Hi there,

“it doesn’t work” is always hard to remote debug. Try to always include these 3 things.

  1. what did you try? (Code samples, command lines, screenshots, videos, etc)
  2. what did happen? (Error messages, description, outputs, stuff)
  3. what did you expect to happen?

Otherwise, it’s hard for us to get into your context and you’ll have to have someone who is exactly knowledgeable come along.