Jenkins and Scripting

HI guys,

I am a newbie to DevOps and now learning Jenkins. I have a very silly question. What level of scripting is required for Jenkins and share me the best resource to learn scripting/ Jenkins

Jenkins setup:

Hello and welcome to this community, @techtig. :wave:

Here are some resources to learn Jenkins:

  1. Jenkins Official Documentation: The official Jenkins documentation is a comprehensive resource that covers all aspects of Jenkins, including pipeline scripting.
  2. Jenkins Pipeline Tutorial: This tutorial from the official Jenkins documentation provides a detailed introduction to Jenkins pipelines and Groovy scripting.

You don’t need Groovy to use scripting in Jenkins, to be honest… Having complex pipelines written in Groovy is not a good idea these days.
I would go with a bunch of shell scripts called within Jenkins pipelines instead of using Groovy.

Remember, the best way to learn is by doing. Try to automate some simple tasks using Jenkins and shell files, and gradually take on more complex tasks as you become more comfortable with the language and the Jenkins environment.