Jenkins and JFrog Artifactory - artifacts are not deleted after "maxBuilds"

I am successfully uploading my artifacts using the JFrong plugin. I think I have set up everything for automatic deletion once the number of builds (artifacts) is more than 5. However my artifacts are not deleted (I have them more than maxBuilds property) although the user which I am using for upload has permission to delete artifact (I’ve tried and it works manually). Did I configure everything properly? Thanks

   stage ('Artifactory stage') {
            steps {
                rtServer (
                    id: 'Artifactory',
                    url: 'https://artifactory.domain/artifactory',
                    credentialsId: 'test',
                    timeout: 300

        stage ('Build info stage ') {
            steps {
                rtBuildInfo (
                    maxBuilds: 5,
                    deleteBuildArtifacts: true

        stage ('Upload stage') {
            steps {
                rtUpload (
                    serverId: 'Artifactory',
                    spec: '''{
                          "files": [
                              "pattern": "arena-*.zip",
                              "target": "project/packages/"

        stage ('Publish build info') {
            steps {
                rtPublishBuildInfo (
                    serverId: 'Artifactory'