Jenkins agent cannot connect to controller after update to 2.440.3 (From 2.426.3)

Jenkins setup:
Jenkins controller is deployed on a Windows VM and have multiple agents on Windows 11 and 10 machines and Windows Server 2012 VM. Java is version 11.0

After having upgraded, the connection with the node seems to have broken and where it tells you what command to pass as an argument to the service in the agent’s XML file, this command has changed. However, when i copy paste that command into the XML file on the agent and start the service, it gives me an error in the error log that the commands i am using is not recognized and it gives me a list of valid command, namely that -url and -name are not valid, however after the update this is the command that i was shown to run on my agent machine:

java -jar agent.jar -url -secret 65c9a7bf4664a0ca8b171d5843a1b5f23103cf8220374423a0fd3ca60cc93111 -name "windows-adam" -webSocket -tunnel -workDir "C:\Users\adam\jenkins-agent"

this is my XML configuration file for the Jenkins service:

  <name>Jenkins Agent for (old:</name>
  <description>This service runs the agent process connected to the VM jenkins controller i.e. (old:</description>
  <executable>C:\Program Files\OpenLogic\jre-\bin\java.exe</executable>
  <arguments>-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar "C:\Users\adam\jenkins-agent\remoting-3107.v665000b_51092.jar" -url -secret 65c9a7bf4664a0ca8b171d5843a1b5f23103cf8220374423a0fd3ca60cc93111 -name "windows-adam" -webSocket -tunnel -workDir "C:\Users\adam\jenkins-agent"</arguments>
  <log mode="roll" />
  <onfailure action="restart" />

and this is the error i am seeing in jenkins.out.err file:

"-url" is not a valid option
java -jar agent.jar [options...]
 -agentLog FILE                  : Local agent error log destination (overrides
 -auth user:pass                 : If your Jenkins is security-enabled, specify
                                   a valid user name and password.
 -cert VAL                       : Specify additional X.509 encoded PEM
                                   certificates to trust when connecting to
                                   Jenkins root URLs. If starting with @ then
                                   the remainder is assumed to be the name of
                                   the certificate file to read.
 -connectTo HOST:PORT            : make a TCP connection to the given host and
                                   port, then start communication.
 -cp (-classpath) PATH           : add the given classpath elements to the
                                   system classloader. (DEPRECATED)
 -failIfWorkDirIsMissing         : Fails the initialization if the requested
                                   workDir or internalDir are missing ('false'
                                   by default) (default: false)
 -help                           : Show this help message (default: false)
 -internalDir VAL                : Specifies a name of the internal files
                                   within a working directory ('remoting' by
                                   default) (default: remoting)
 -jar-cache DIR                  : Cache directory that stores jar files sent
                                   from the controller
 -jnlpCredentials USER:PASSWORD  : HTTP BASIC AUTH header to pass in for making
                                   HTTP requests.
 -jnlpUrl URL                    : instead of talking to the controller via
                                   stdin/stdout, emulate a JNLP client by
                                   making a TCP connection to the controller.
                                   Connection parameters are obtained by
                                   parsing the JNLP file.
 -loggingConfig FILE             : Path to the property file with
                                   java.util.logging settings
 -noKeepAlive                    : Disable TCP socket keep alive on connection
                                   to the controller. (default: false)
 -noReconnect                    : Doesn't try to reconnect when a
                                   communication fail, and exit instead
                                   (default: false)
 -proxyCredentials USER:PASSWORD : HTTP BASIC AUTH header to pass in for making
                                   HTTP authenticated proxy requests.
 -secret HEX_SECRET              : Agent connection secret to use instead of
 -tcp FILE                       : instead of talking to the controller via
                                   stdin/stdout, listens to a random local
                                   port, write that port number to the given
                                   file, then wait for the controller to
                                   connect to that port.
 -text                           : encode communication with the controller
                                   with base64. Useful for running agent over
                                   8-bit unsafe protocol like telnet
 -version                        : Shows the version of the remoting jar and
                                   then exits (default: false)
 -workDir FILE                   : Declares the working directory of the
                                   remoting instance (stores cache and logs by

Now the thing is, when i revert back the argument in my XML config file to as it was prior to my upgrade i.e.:
java -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl -secret 65c9a7bf4664a0ca8b171d5843a1b5f23103cf8220374423a0fd3ca60cc93111 -workDir "C:\Users\adam\jenkins-agent"

my agent still does not connect with the added issue where bearly all my jobs are missing due to out of date dependencies requiring 2.440 or higher. I remedied this by re-updating, but the issue still remains whre the newer config argument does not seem to be working. Any help on this issue will be greatly appreciated. I am a student so I apologise if I have not used all the correct terminology referring to my setup and issue

you should update the agent jar on your machines, remoting-3107 is a bit older and probably doesn’t understand the new arguments

my agent still does not connect with the added issue where bearly all my jobs are missing due to out of date dependencies requiring 2.440 or higher

Have you update all plugins to the latest version?