Hey Team,
We have noticed one of our Jenkins Pipeline fail with
wrapper script does not seem to be touching the log file in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/disqa-1111-jenkins-pipeline-test@tmp/durable-3bdc99b0
(JENKINS-48300: if on an extremely laggy filesystem, consider -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.BourneShellScript.HEARTBEAT_CHECK_INTERVAL=86400)
after running for about ~3h. Why and when do we see this issue?
1). We don’t wish to
script { System.setProperty("org.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.BourneShellScript.HEARTBEAT_CHECK_INTERVAL", "86400");
since setting this within the Jenkinsfile of the pipeline will make the changes at the Admin-level. We are looking for options restricted only that PipelineJob.
2). Tried checking the log file generated at disqa-1111-jenkins-pipeline-test@tmp/durable-3bdc99b0
– The root user creates a log file jenkins-log.txt within directory durable-3bdc99b0/. We are using kubernetes cloud config to run the pipeline job, and all the other files are managed by user podman.
[root@ocas-build-784c01bd-8bd6-4464-9569-28169d63ba1d-qw9h6-88djm durable-b11cc10b]# ls -lart
total 8
drwxrwxrwx. 5 podman podman 73 Jul 8 19:11 ..
-rw-r--r--. 1 podman podman 107 Jul 8 19:11 script.sh
drwxr-xr-x. 2 podman podman 46 Jul 8 19:11 .
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 3820 Jul 8 19:14 jenkins-log.txt
Is the user permissions resulting in the issue above?
– I tried to manually create the jenkins-log.txt with correct user & file permissions, but not sure, the durable-* folder has a different sequence while performing linux manipulations in the Jenkinsfile
def durableDir = sh(script: "ls `pwd`@tmp | grep -i 'durable'", returnStdout: true).trim()
def logDir = "`pwd`@tmp/${durableDir}"
sh """
mkdir -p $logDir
touch $logDir/jenkins-log.txt
chown -R podman:podman $logDir/jenkins-log.txt
chmod 777 $logDir/jenkins-log.txt
chown -R podman:podman $logDir
When I checked the path within the running pod;
[root@ocas-build-784c01bd-8bd6-4464-9569-28169d63ba1d-qw9h6-88djm disqa-1111-jenkins-pipeline-test@tmp]# ls -la
total 0
drwxrwxrwx. 5 podman podman 73 Jul 8 19:11 .
drwxr-xr-x. 4 podman podman 112 Jul 8 19:07 ..
drwxr-xr-x. 2 podman podman 29 Jul 8 19:11 durable-89909675
drwxr-xr-x. 2 podman podman 46 Jul 8 19:11 durable-b11cc10b
drwx------. 2 podman podman 6 Jul 8 19:11 secretFiles
The durable-* folders are different.
3). Will including
sh "export JAVA_OPTS=Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.BourneShellScript.USE_BINARY_WRAPPER=true"
help resolve the issue?
Please let me know if there are any other suggestions/solutions to fix this issue.