Is there any current oracle linux 9 versions of available?

Hi All Newbie here
Is there any current oracle linux 9 versions of GitHub - jenkinsci/docker-ssh-agent: Docker image for Jenkins agents connected over SSH available ?

There is not an Oracle Linux 9 version of the ssh-agent container image nor are there Oracle Linux container images of any other Jenkins components. Since Oracle Linux is a derivative of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, we’re much more likely to prefer the universal base image (UBI) for future RHEL based containers rather than using specific derivatives.

Is there a specific reason why you need Oracle Linux 9 rather than ubi9?

Thanks Mark,
I do not know the historic reasons. It was before my time.
But the policy is to use OL.
I have forked a version of it on github (GitHub - zanderFortinbras/docker-ssh-agent: Docker image for Jenkins agents connected over SSH (adding an oracleLinux9 image / container)) and i have created a test dockerhub account. (Docker)
I have created our own docker file.

I can build the new image on our docker host. but i get an error about not finding manifest.

Finally when i push to the container.
I am getting one final error

Could not connect to serverxyz port 46235. Are you sure this location is contactable from Jenkins?

May 22, 2023 9:36:22 AM SEVERE com.nirima.jenkins.plugins.docker.DockerCloud$1 run

Error in provisioning; t

How can i record the ssh logs of an ephemeral agent ?