Installed new version of Jenkins 2.44 with OpenJDK 11, I got a lot of the plugin cannot installed

My VM is 2019 server, I only want to use latest Jenkins with OpenJDK 11 or 17. My problem a lot of recommended plugins not install, so I cannot see Build environment tab in there and I need that.
Also in Source management I only see NONE. There suppose have Git or other tool in there as well.
Also it only can work localhost:8080, it cannot see in network.

I wonder what should I install some other software to support the plugin, for example, I need install git before install Jenkins and So on.

Please let me know If you know the issue and how to resolve it.


Hello and welcome to this community, @JeanCao :wave:

What do you mean by server 2019? Windows?

If you’re installing Jenkins 2.44, that is a long outdated weekly build of Jenkins. If you want the most recent long term support release, that is 2.440.3. The most recent weekly release is 2.455.

Hi Mark,
Sorry, My bad, I did installed Jenkins2.440.3.
