Init container fails deploying to a kubernetes cluster using Helm

When attempting to deploy Jenkins in a kubernetes cluster using Helm, the init container fails with the error:

Retrieving update center information

Update center URL:

Cache miss for: update-center-2.470

Unable to retrieve JSON from {see url above}: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure

If I use:

- name: JENKINS_UC
value: “{http version of the url”}

I get a different error:

Retrieving update center information

Update center URL:

Cache miss for: update-center-2.470

Unable to retrieve JSON from {see url above} status code: 409, reason phrase: Conflict

Aof yet, I’m unable to find any information that might help. I’m not behind a proxy in my homelab. Sorry about the {see url above}. I’m restricted to posting no more the two links as I’m a new user.

Is that the setting you’ve configured for the Jenkins update center in a configuration file or is that a value that you read from Jenkins while it is running?

The Jenkins update center URL in the Jenkins plugin manager configuration does not need a version= value and should not have one. The Jenkins update center documentation page says:

To configure this default update site in Jenkins, specify in Manage Jenkins » Plugins » Advanced .

The http url I set in the helm values file and it’s just set to The first error with https is without setting any url in the value file. All the errors are in the init container log file during the initial installation. I’m not sure where it’s picking up the version= in the url. This is all I have set in my helm value file when I receive the https handshake error.

tag: jdk21
initializeOnce: true
enabled: true