- @dduportal (Damien Duportal)
- @jayfranco999 (Jay Reddy)
- @kmartens27 (Kevin Martens)
- @MarkEWaite (Mark Waite)
Jenkins Weekly Releases
- Last Week: 2.485 went well
- This Week: 2.486 (started on time at 10:30 UTC?)
We had a security advisory (plugins only) last week:
Upcoming Calendar
- Next Weekly: 2.487 (26 Nov. 2024)
- Next LTS: 2.479.2 (27 Nov. 2024) - Kris Stern is release lead
- Next Security Release as per jenkinsci-advisories: N.A.
- Upcoming credentials expirations (~3 weeks):
- Next major event:
- Jenkins Elections - voting started 1st of November, registration reopened, over 50 votes already cast from 78 registered voters
- 2 weeks “Releases break” at the end of calendar year
- Delays LTS 2.479.3 to 8 Jan 2025
- Jenkins Contributor summit - 31 January 2025 in Brussels, Belgium
- FOSDEM - 1 and 2 February - Brussels, Belgium
Cloud Budgets
- Azure CDF:
- August: $4,552 (invoice)
- September: $3,810 (invoice)
- October: $4.0k (invoice)
- November: $2.6k (forecast at $4.4k)
- Azure Sponsorship (Microsoft Credits) - Remaining: $27690 ($72310 consumed) until May 2025
- August: $10.5k consumed
- September: $10.4k consumed
- October: $12.9k consumed
- November: $6.3k (Forecast at $9.9k)
- DigitalOcean - Remaining $15,519 ($4k consumed) until 02 January 2025
- August $200.08 (invoice)
- September: $158 (invoice)
- October: $195.67 (invoice)
- November: $105 (Forecast at $165)
- Requesting extension in Dec.
- AWS:
- CloudBees:
- August: $6.3k
- September: $6.1k
- October: $6.4k
- November: $3.7k (forecast at $6.1k)
- Sponsored account
- October: $178
- November: $247 (forecast at ~$400)
- CloudBees:
- []
Azure Credentials for Core Release (Vault access) expires - []
Credential for spawning Azure VM agents expires - []
Expiration of the Digital Oceans PATs used by Terraform - Delete account
- Block user michelle653burkes due to Jira issue spam
- Block user purnima05 due to Jira issue spam
- Block user pootler due to Jira issue spam
- Block happywrencher due to Jira issue spam
- upgrade datadog plugin from 7.x to 8.x
- [terraform-aws-sponsorship] updatecli manifest for outbound ips
- Move GSoC 2024 Plugin Modernizer Tool to jenkins-infra
- RPU GSoC project with terraform integration on infra’s backend
- []
New UC:
- Base container jenkins servers - Plugins 404 errors
- [INFRA-3100] Migrate to another Cloud
- Nginx was logging rewrites: disabled for better performances
- Shared file system tends to be slow suddendly for httpd containers => need to update
- Globally a success: intermittent issues to fix but we are getting there
[AWS] Move from Azure (sponsorship) to AWS (sponsorship)
- (packer-images): Add Garbage Collector for AWS
- Distinct job (and faster build due to this change)
- Works for AMI and snapshots
- WiP on instances/Security groups
- [] Define virtual networking for AWS
- EKS is on hold due to Stephane in sick days
- Controller / subnets => VM for controller is on public subnet for IPv6
- Network security is applied for controller and future VM agents
- [] Move controller (VM) to AWS
- VM is up, running and available
- Next step: fine tune configuration adn start working on EC2 VM agents
- [] Move ephemeral VM agents to AWS
- We can resume working on this
- Linux agents are available, GC almost finished
- Need to work on Windows (Damien)
- Puppet config for ec2 cloud agents (Jay and then Damien)
- On hold (Stephane is in sick days)
- (packer-images): Add Garbage Collector for AWS
[packer-images] track Linux base images with
- Linux base images for Amazon AMI are tracked
- Windows base images for Azure
- Added the Docker Linux base images \o/
- Next step: Azure Linux images
- Need to sync up (Jay ↔ Damien)
Infra stats missing October 2024 data for Plugin Installation Trend feature
Maven Central artifacts are being downloaded from
- On hold, missing time (UC/
plugin stats for bouncycastle-api are missing data.
- On hold: need help to fix
New Issues (to triage):
- In the new milestone:
- Remove BlueOcean from all of our controllers
- [] Keep Maven tools up to date with
- [updatecli] Track GitHub SSH in bound IPs allowed from our controllers and agents
- External user struggling to submit story to
- (packer-images): Add Win-19, Win-22 (AMD64 and ARM64) AMIs For EC2 agents
- Keep in triage:
- Add monitoring for CD secrets updates
- [] Set up an ECR pull through cache
- [] Move ACI agents to ephemeral Windows containers to AWS
- [] Move ephemeral Linux containers to AWS
- Switch agent (java home) to JDK21 default
- Switch default JDK to 21 for pipeline libraries
- Switch default JDK to 21 for build tools
- Move controllers to JDK21 (runtime)
- Move agents to JDK21 (runtime)
- [INFRA-2651] Replace accountapp with (keycloak? Go-authentik? Something Else?)
- In the new milestone:
ToDo (next milestone) (infra-team-sync-2024-11-26 Milestone · GitHub)