- @dduportal (Damien Duportal)
- @hlemeur (Hervé Le Meur)
- @MarkEWaite (Mark Waite)
- @kmartens27 (Kevin Martens)
- Weekly: 2.413 (last week) and 2.414 (this week)
- 2.413 went well
- 2.414: packaging failed due to a replayed build (Kube 1.25 healtcheck) - @dduportal to open issue (or comment on existing) to track this
- issue to automate git tag creation created in jenkins-infra/release . Race condition: need to wait until WAR is available on
- Changelogs are merged (had to quick fix)
- Let’s cancel next week meeting (18th of July) and run the 25th
Upcoming Calendar 
- Next Weekly: 18 of July - 2.415
- Next LTS: 2.401.3 RC today (+ new baseline to be determined), planned the 26th of July
- Next Security Release as per jenkinsci-advisories: tomorrow (12th), plugins only
- status to prepare ( probable restart) => @en3hD3iMRx6_6IXLNY0Rag + @lemeurherve
- ci.jenkins + plugins upgrades today => @dduportal
- Install and configure Datadog plugin on
- [] Use a new VM instance type
- Unable to release jellydoc-maven-plugin via CD
- [] Add windows server 2022 agents
- Release 3131.vf2b_b_798b_ce99-4 · jenkinsci/docker-agent · GitHub
- inbound-agent and ssh-agents are next!
- Let’s move infra to 2022 everywhere
- New repo for jenkins board
- Google Docs (with export to markdown) vs. HackMD
- Split the big file to multiple one (weekly/monthly)?
- Release of
failing with 401 Unauthorized- Due to RPU build failures on
- Update GitHub Users to Authorize as Committers to Atlassian Jira Software Cloud Plugin
- Test history page on for core builds is inaccessible
- Add user to
team - Releasing to incrementals yields 503
- Migration of removed the token of the technical user: auth was failing.
- Bumping NodeJS from 14 to 18 (last LTS) also broke the startup of the app (not caught by tests in the repo
- We have issues on some of our apps where current tests are not testing something real
- Branch strategy on diverges from prior configuration
- Consequence of the VM migration
- Need to switch to jobdsl for defining jobs
- Add AAAA records, support installs IPv6 only environments
- All
public services (except LDAP) are IPv6 compatible
- All
- Replace s390x Ubuntu 18.04 agent with s390x Ubuntu 20.04 agent
- s390x agent is offline for
- Plugin continuous delivery (JEP-229) fails with artifactory permission denied
- Incrementals are no longer published
vanished fromdocker-highmem
machines- Validate IPv6 dual stack cluster for publick8s
- IPv6 problem with “”
- AKS: add cluster
and migrateprodpublick8s
public services on it - Update,, and to latest LTS version 2.401.2
- Jira upgrade broke comment sort order remembering and implies an insane default
- Ask Daniel or Tim and remove from milestones (not an infra task but need to be tracked in helpdesk)
- Spring 2023: Decrease AWS costs
- Gotta close in favor of a new one (with tighter scope) - AWS: decrease cost for Summer 2023 · Issue #3662 · jenkins-infra/helpdesk · GitHub
- Need to report for June before
- Upgrade to Kubernetes 1.25
- post mortem to write on
- Closable after last sub-tasks done
- Ubuntu 22.04 upgrade campaign
- / next one
-, still on 20.04 => puppet 7 (NOT enterprise)
- fails to delete stashed artifacts with Access Denied
- Gotta close (as production issue is fixed) and open a new issue about the artifacts GC => Garbage Collector on the `ci-jenkins-io-artifacts` S3 storage account · Issue #3663 · jenkins-infra/helpdesk · GitHub
- [INFRA-3100] Migrate to another Cloud
- @lemeurherve checking CloudFlare R2 service for the Update Center
- Enforcing HTTP to HTTPS redirection for Update Center (like we did last year for
- Update Center is highly coupled to Apache (.htaccess with a LOT of redirections generated by jenkins-infra/update-center2) which require more knowledge sharing before taking architectural decisions
- To be checked: are the Jenkins instances honouring an HTTP redirect when getting the update center index
- We need help from Daniel
- => @dduportal . Goal move this to Azure
- Fastly is in front, so no traffic
- That would had HA
- Core release process would not need to be run through an SSH remote command
- Matomo github/docker repos
- Proposal for application in publick8s to migrate to arm64
- Gotta delay until Stephane is back
- Assess Artifactory bandwidth reduction options
- Need to resume on this @en3hD3iMRx6_6IXLNY0Rag and @dduportal
- Artifact caching proxy is unreliable
- Same
- Jira upgrade broke comment sort order remembering and implies an insane default
New items:
- Improve Datadog ingestion · Issue #3659 · jenkins-infra/helpdesk · GitHub
- Backup infrastructure data · Issue #3656 · jenkins-infra/helpdesk · GitHub
- missing plugins with ExtensionPoints · Issue #58 · jenkins-infra/backend-extension-indexer · GitHub => Moved to the backend-extension-index tracker
- The `` is missing some necessary metadata files, which prevents it from being added as an apt/yum repo · Issue #3636 · jenkins-infra/helpdesk · GitHub
- AWS: decrease cost for Summer 2023 · Issue #3662 · jenkins-infra/helpdesk · GitHub
- Should we redirect the static index pages from and to documentation “reference” pages
- Yes, worth an issue
ToDo (next milestone) (infra-team-sync-2023-07-25 Milestone · GitHub)