- no video, sorry we messed up the recording -
Damien Duportal (@dduportal ), Hervé Le Meur (@hlemeur ), Stephane Merle (@smerle), Mark Waite (@MarkEWaite ), Tim Jacomb (@timja )
Official minutes on GitHub.
- GitHub issues for INFRA
- For hosting requests on RPU: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub
- For infra: GitHub - jenkins-infra/helpdesk: Open here your Infrastructure related issues for the Jenkins project
- “New Issues” can have link to discourse, mailing list, or predefined forms
- Nexts steps:
- Start using it as jenkins-infra team
- Import existing issues from JIRA’s INFRA
- “EPIC” in GH issues: either milestones, cross repo or projects
- Next steps: @lemeurherve
- Network issues on the Kubernetes cluster
- Open Azure support ticket to rollback
- See notes and plan from last meeting
- Adding privatek8s cluster in AKS - HackMD
- Jenkins Kubernetes agents issues
- Issues with AKS control plane and the latest kubernetes plugin
- Moved to JNLP single-container (updating all images)
- kubernetes/helm ok
- docker ok
- terraform/packer ok
- Todo: ruby/nodejs for jenkins.io/plugins.jenkins.io
- Updatecli 0.17.0 issues
- Latest 0.17.2
- Incremental Updates not updating plugins
- 1.4.2 fixed an issue but wasn’t delivered to production because of infra issues (net/kube/updatecli)