- no video, sorry we messed up the recording -
Damien Duportal (@dduportal ), Hervé Le Meur (@hlemeur ), Stephane Merle (@smerle), Mark Waite (@MarkEWaite ), Tim Jacomb (@timja )
Official minutes on GitHub.
Weekly release 2.329 unexpectedly triggered
- Issue tracking the problem to avoid reproduction
- Still the same issue: Manually disabling == not persistent
- Don’t configure interactively without a matching code change
- Prevent release to be triggered depending on a setting saved "as code" · Issue #2727 · jenkins-infra/helpdesk · GitHub
Weekly package failed on Windows step:
- Need to “merge” the 2 windows containers into a single one @dduportal to secure tomorrow’s release
- Latest kubernetes plugin is not enough to allow multi-container on Windows
- @dduportal plans to work that issue today
- Discuss with security team before applying the change
- Check the differences between weekly and LTS branches
- Remove the branching for the release repository and the packaging repository
- Switch to a file per release line in a single branch of the repository
- Latest kubernetes plugin is not enough to allow multi-container on Windows
- Need to “merge” the 2 windows containers into a single one @dduportal to secure tomorrow’s release
Issues for INFRA are now in GitHub thanks to @lemeurherve
- Previously:
- Was in Jira’s project INFRA
- Followed the same idea as what @timja drove for the HOSTING project
- Jira is slow, user hostile, not automatable easily, and slows/block our ability to track and share progress in a written + async manner
New repo: GitHub - jenkins-infra/helpdesk: Open here your Infrastructure related issues for the Jenkins project
- Jira issues from INFRA projects imported
- Component/tags migrated with labels (from existing jira labels & components)
- Repository Pinned on the GitHub organization jenkins-infra
- Work in progress:
- Update infra docs (jenkins.io + repo + organization description)
- Comment all jira issues in INFRA to add a link to their github counterpart
- Update Jira issue wizard to add a link to the infra helpdesk for infra-related tasks
- Announce the change on the different channels
- Next:
- Projects
- Automation (issues workflows)
- Backups of issues outside GitHub
- Previously:
AliBaba for mirror
- No response to Mark Waite’s question about physical location of the server
- Mark Waite’s monitoring shows no issue with that mirror
- Last failures detected briefly 9 Jan 2022, 5 Jan 2022, 4 Jan 2022
- Recovered without intervention from us