Damien Duportal (@dduportal ), Hervé Le Meur (@hlemeur ), Stephane Merle (@smerle), Mark Waite (@MarkEWaite ), Tim Jacomb (@timja )
Official minutes on GitHub.
Security releases
- 2022-02-09:
- Core(s) only (weekly 2.334 and LTS 2.319.3)
- and must NOT be updated until the release is applied
- and (and trusted and infra) had been updated (plugins, kernels, packages)
Automatic weekly got triggered again. Daniel caught it and was kind enough to stop it.
- Disable management for the sec. release of 2022-02 by dduportal · Pull Request #1979 · jenkins-infra/kubernetes-management · GitHub to remove from kubernetes management to avoid unexpected reload (at least MOST of the unexpected reloads)
- Release (jenkins-infra/release) pipelines:
Weekly staged released
LTS (security) failed (
missing jarsigner
): I forgot to cherry pick from main (weekly) branch. Fixed for sec LTS with and with current LTS with cherry-pick pipeline changes from weekly to current LTS by dduportal · Pull Request #221 · jenkins-infra/release · GitHub “just in case”- Mark and Stephane pair to cherry pick to stable-2.332
- 2022-02-15:
- Plugins only
-, and must NOT be updated this day (as per Daniel’s comment
there might be very minor weirdness with the mirrorsync script, but it probably doesn't matter … some plugins being available before they should be via direct download only
) so let’s play it safe- Mark and Stephane update to predict downtime for tomorrow and next week
- 2022-02-09:
Digital Ocean:
- WiP by @lemeurherve , it’s going well (fighting with the Terraform process that need to have an improved documentation + updated, and it’s the first time that it is used outside jenkins-infra/aws so need some fixes)
- Status: Works locally, CI job ready, CI builds to be fixed
- Credentials for the backend configuration file not interpreted
- Places the credential name instead of value into config file
- Each configuration reload requires an interactive update
- Required to set multiline content separately
- Easier to use string variables rather than file content
- File is needed for the DigitalOcean docs
- Credentials for the backend configuration file not interpreted
- WiP by @smerle on Docker image updates (hashicorp-tools, jenkins-infra/aws) and on kubernetes-management (AWS EC2 agent template updates directly from packer)
Private AKS cluster:
- WiP by @dduportal , back from holidays. Focus on the groovy pipeline library
- Plain HTTP only, legacy service, running on the VM
- Pager duty alert the 07th of Feb. about bad TLS certificats: but no HTTPS on it: we removed the alert as it make no sense
- TODO: decommission this service