It will be great, when we can see all the usages of our plugins in customized groovy libraries. Sometimes I recive few question, how do this or that in groovy with lockable-resources-plugin. Some times are created new issues, becasue some interface (marked as NotForExternaluse) has been changed.
This can not happens, when you use java-jenkins-plugin concept adn your POM is correctly configured.
It will be great when the users (admins, developers …) published own groovy-shared-libraries as jenkins groovy plugins. Similar to java plugins.
In that case it might be added into POM files as dependencies and I will see all the depended plugins as well. So It will be possible to open discussions, before big changes are done. And you (jenkins admin) will recive PR (when the deppenabot is configured correctly), when new plugin version is done. There is also a plugin to test jenkins pipelines / shared libraries. So, it will possible to starts Gradl builds to test all the shared libraries. And the admincan see, if everthing is ok. Of cousre it deppeds, how good are the tests in groovy libraries done.
This willbe big imporvements for all (or mostly) jenkins instances and win win situation.
me, as plugin developer can change the interface with much less side effects. Why, because I see all the ‘dependend’ plugin
end user (jenkins admins) might starts tests, before Jenkins updates.
end user (jenkins admins) might execute tests also on own changes
the world will see, how you use Jenkins, lerns from you and myabe corporate with you as well.
I think, this is enoug for this idea and probably wrong place.
My question is, where to post it. Do we have SummerUniversity for next year?