Hello! I am setting up a new Jenkins system in Kubernetes using the Helm chart. I am using the official docs from jenkins.io to do so and am having an issue providing my agent with enough memory.
Here’s how I’ve configured the agent section in the values.yaml
enabled: true
podName: "jenkins-agent-temp"
namespace: testing
image: docker.io/my-image-with-everything
tag: stable
imagePullSecretName: dockerhub-secret
runAsUser: pyuser
alwaysPullImage: true
connectTimeout: 500
workingDir: /home/pyuser/agent
command: "/opt/bin/entry_point.sh"
TTYEnabled: false
idleMinutes: 20
podRetention: "Never"
cpu: 2000m
memory: 6144Mi
cpu: 1500m
memory: 4608Mi
Note: my-image-with-everything includes a jenkins agent, python, our testing libraries, Selenium standalone and Chrome so we can run UI tests.
(Almost) Everything works great. When I launch a job, it creates a pod and a container that runs that custom image. It’s able to use all of the software installed. However, the resource limits aren’t reflected. When I look at the running pod I only see 512 MB of RAM allocated.
How should I be configuring the resource limits? Should I create a new Podtemplate and then add my container there and set disableDefaultAgent = true?