Error "Git ASK_PASS set as credentials" Installed jenkins on windows OS

Installed Jenkins on windows 10 OS and trying to fetch repo from gitlab but showing error
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials
Kindly assist.

That’s not an error. That’s diagnostic output from the git plugin reporting the technique it is using to pass authentication information to command line git. That diagnostic information is usually followed by one or more git commands.

In my case, the output looks like this:

using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials
> /usr/bin/git fetch --no-tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=6

If you’re using https to access the repository, then you need to provide a valid username/password credential in order to access the remote git repository.

If you’re using ssh to access the repository, then you need to provide a valid private key credential in order to access the remote git repository.

If you’re not providing a credential at all, then you need to provide a credential of the correct type.l

If none of those conditions apply, then you need to provide more information so that others can help you. Describe the job configuration in detail, including a (possibly redacted) form of the repository URL. Describe the credential that you are using in detail. Describe the version of command line git installed on your Windows computer. Describe the type of installation you used to install command line git on your Windows computer (MSI installer, PortableGit exe, MinGit zip file).