- Mark Waite
- Meg McRoberts
- Kris Stern
- Kristin Whetstone
- Action items
- Mark - Archive docs mailing list, switch to community.jenkins.io for Docs SIG
- Upcoming blog posts that Mark owes to the organization
- Award winners from cdCon
- Darin Pope named CDF Continuous Enthusiast of 2022
- Basil Crow named Jenkins Top Contributor
- Wadeck Follonier Security MVP (Most Valuable Player)
- Oleg Nenashev named CDF Top Documentor
- Jenkins Contributor Summit summary
- Award winners from cdCon
- Google Summer of Code - Mark Waite
- Pipeline steps doc generator reduced sizes is live on www.jenkins.io
- Page loading is much faster, much easier
- Mark to open an issue for the opening of the subpage in a new tag
- JSON page that surprises us
- Late September online meetup to highlight the results
- 4 projects all looking good
- Pipeline steps doc generator reduced sizes is live on www.jenkins.io
- Jenkins 2.361.1 (September 7, 2022) changelog, upgrade guide, and blog post
- Arriving pull request for one more backport
- Changelog will need to be updated
- Changelog, upgrade guide need further review - Mark Waite
- Require Java 11
- Hacktoberfest documentation contributions
- Starts Oct 1, 2022, ends Oct 31, 2022
- Need to prepare a list of approachable documentation tasks (good first issue)
- Need to close the issues that no longer make sense
- Pending pull requests to documentation
- Modernizing a plugin progress report