Developer push the code to gerrit repository gerrit triggers build job

1.Developers push their changes to a Gerrit repository.
2.Gerrit triggers a build job in Jenkins to verify the changes.
3.Jenkins starts pipeline, which pulls the changes from Gerrit, compiles the code, runs tests, and performs any other necessary checks.
How to do this steps?

  1. Configure Gerrit:
    . Install and configure Gerrit. Make sure it’s accessible over the network.
    . Create a project in Gerrit where developers can push their changes.
  2. Configure Jenkins:
    . Install and configure Jenkins. Make sure it’s accessible over the network.
    . Install the Gerrit Trigger plugin in Jenkins. This plugin allows Jenkins to be triggered by Gerrit.
    . Create a new Jenkins job (or configure an existing one) to be triggered by Gerrit. In the job configuration, under the “Build Triggers” section, select “Gerrit event”. Configure the Gerrit connection settings and select the Gerrit project you created earlier.
  3. Create a Jenkins Pipeline:
    In the Jenkins job configuration, under the “Pipeline” section, define your pipeline. This pipeline should include steps to pull the changes from Gerrit, compile the code, run tests, and perform any other necessary checks.
    Here’s an untested basic example of a Jenkinsfile that defines such a pipeline:
pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('Pull from Gerrit') {
            steps {
                git url: 'ssh://your-gerrit-server:29418/your-project'

        stage('Compile') {
            steps {
                // Replace this with the actual commands to compile your code
                sh 'make'

        stage('Test') {
            steps {
                // Replace this with the actual commands to run your tests
                sh 'make test'

Replace ssh://your-gerrit-server:29418/your-project with the actual URL of your Gerrit project, and replace make and make test with the actual commands to compile your code and run your tests.