Current LTS 2.346.1 open issue JENKINS-48865 / agents terminate unpredictably

Hello Jenkins Community,

Quick question please on LTS version 2.346.1
ISSUE JENKINS-48865 is still open – seems pretty big / show stopper.
Remote agent connectivity dies.

Is this a problem on the end-users’ client installations?
Or a bug in Jenkins 2.346.1 itself?
Please advise & thanks.
~ John Dove

ISSUE: 1×[JENKINS-48865]
agents terminate unpredictably

Is it possible to get a reply on this?

Assuming best to wait for next LTS version?

Please advise

Hi John,

It looks like the problem is (maybe?) linked to a mail related plugin…
Since the 2.346.1 there were new versions for LTS. The last one is the 2.346.3, but I can’t see any reference to a solution regarding the issue you referenced in the changelog though.

Looking at [JENKINS-48865] JNLP Agents/Slaves Disconnecting Unpredictably - Jenkins Jira the real cause was [JENKINS-69088] Migrate Mail Watcher to Jakarta Mail - Jenkins Jira and that should be fixed in Release 1.17 · jenkinsci/mail-watcher-plugin · GitHub .

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Thanks for the update : )

Thank you,

~ John