I would like to migrate the jenkins jobs from old server to new server. Jenkins installation on the old server was not done by me. I’m wondering why we are using 443 (http://localhost:443/) in the browser. I checked Jenkins.xml file, but I see still this line (–httpPort=8080). Now when I install Jenkins on new server where should I configure this port number so that I can start in the browser with 443. Please help me in understanding. Thank you.
Can I install the Jenkins on 8080 on the new server and restore the jobs from the old server? Is that possible or do I need to install only on 443 in order to make the jobs work?
Yes that is possible. The port has nothing to do with the job execution. Just make sure that the url configured in Jenkins is correct so that when you send out emails with links to jobs contain the correct url. That means that when you have a reverse proxy in front of Jenkins that you need to use this url. localhost is the wrong url (Jenkins will warn you when you use this).