I just downloaded a jenkins.war 2.401.3 on a RedHat 7 environment.
I use OpenJDK 11.0.20.
I try to launch my Jenkins with
java -jar ~/jenkins.war
But I immediately get an error
Running from: /opt/jenkins/jenkins.war
webroot: /opt/jenkins/war
Exception in thread "main" java.io.UncheckedIOException: java.io.IOException: No space left on device
Because Jenkins tries to create files in /tmp directory, which is full on my system.
Is there a way to specify a different tmpdir at launch ?
Thanks for the detailed answer, Mark !
You are absolutely right. I contacted my IT, and they fixed the full temporary directory. Now, Jenkins is running fine (so I didn’t have to test the /tmp dir location workaround).
I also told them about RH7 EOL.