Jenkins setup:
I am using Jenkins csb-2.440.2 installed on my local machine
I am using Fedora 37.0
I ran the basic command of sudo ./self-service/ [configuration repo] and the instance was created successfully. When I try to login with the default credentials dev:dev it does not work - I get an error of invalid username and password. So I tried to run the instance again like this:
sudo ./self-service/ [configuration repo] --export-container-ports --local-user-password by changing the password and after the instance ran successfully I still cannot login with the same error.
Can you please advise?
Please provide more detail what you mean when you say “Jenkins csb-2.440.2”. I don’t recognize the “csb-2.440.2” designation.
Fedora 37 is not tested or supported by the Jenkins project because the Fedora project stopped providing security updates for Fedora 37 in December 2023. I don’t think that will stop Jenkins from running on Fedora 37, but it is worth your being aware that Fedora 37 is not tested by the Jenkins project.
The Jenkins project tests the Jenkins RPM package with Fedora 40 as part of our packaging tests. Those tests are passing.
I have never seen ./self-service/
mentioned in any of the Jenkins documentation. You can either use the standard Jenkins installation instructions for Fedora or provide much more description of your custom installation technique.
The Jenkins installer does not create a login with default credentials.