AWS Codecommit Jenkins Snowflake integration

Hi Jenkins team,

I am trying to integrate AWS Codecommit to Jenkins and then Jenkins to Snowflake. I successfully integrated Codecommit and Jenkins.

But I am struck at the Integration part of Jenkins and Snowflake along with Codecommit. Please help here, I am giving the use case and scenario I am looking for.


Our usecase i.e. That .sql component has environment variables, after execution it has to reflect in Snowflake UI through AWS CodePipeline(Mainly Codecommit,Codebuild,CodeDeploy…) which will be having .sql file whenever there is a change it needs to be going through codepipeline then reflect in Snowflake UI & it has to be executed in DEV,QA & PROD environments.


We need to use Jenkins and AWS DEVOPS stack tools i.e., Codecommit,Codebuid,CodeDeploy and Codepipeline to achieve the above use case.

Thanks and Regards,


Jenkins doesn’t use any sort of database at all. I’m not sure what your looking for from us.

Hi Halkeye,

I want to use AWS DevOps tools(codecommit,codebuild,codedeploy,…) and Snowflake is a DataWarehose(DW) tool. But i want a use case where Jenkins can be integrated with all these tools as it is a CI tool for my CI/CD DevOps pipeline.